Callum Gill

Profile Pic


Front End
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • React
  • Vue
Back End
  • SQL
  • Node
  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • PHP
  • Azure DevOps
  • Git
  • Jira
  • Agile
  • DevOps

About me

Callum Gill is a web developer with over 6 years experience delivering software for companies in the United Kingdom and Australia. Being an eager career driven young adult, Callum has worked in Software Testing since graduating in 2015. The candidate has worked on multiple projects in a fast-paced environment and released a variety of platforms and technologies to production websites such as: Databases, Mobile applications, Desktop applications and APIs. Working with different people and in problem situations whilst always maintaining punctuality. These skills are transferable in all different aspects of life and working environments, to make him a fully committed active member of any team.

Work Experience

Software Developer


2020 - Present

  1. - Designed, developed PHP code to support the web development team.
  2. - Creation of UI screens with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap to support customer relationships and service management.
  3. - Creation of UX for current and prospective projects.
  4. - Front end functional testing (GUI, functionality, usability, bugs).
  5. - Commercial experience and application of the Laravel framework.

Software Developer Testing

bet365, Synectics, Woolworths Group

2015 - Present

  1. - Designed, developed and maintained test automation frameworks from the ground up.
  2. - Utilized open source automation tools in a .NET environment.
  3. - Defined and governed the automation test strategy within an agile squad
  4. - Designed, implemented and maintained CI/CD pipelines within TeamCity and Azure DevOps
  5. - Collaborated with QA to implement testing tools and technologies


University of Greenwich, London

2012 - 2015

  1. Bachelor of Science in Computing BSc (Honours) 2:1

Professional Development

  1. - Completes daily programming exercises on platforms such as Edabit and CodeKata
  2. - Utilises free education courses on Udemy and Laracasts to learn skills such as: PHP, Laravel, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React and Vue
  3. - Follows social media accounts such as Traverse Media and LaravelBusiness to stay up to date with current industry trends.
  4. - Reads documentation for particular libraries and frameworks to see latest changes and capabilities.
  5. - Contributes to personal Github account to create projects and enhance current skillset through functional exercises.